Posted on 5/30/2022

Certain impacts on the road can cause bubbles in your tires. For instance, when hitting potholes, getting into small collisions, and obstructing a curb and speed bumps can all hurt your tires. Healthy tires should stay smooth and round, so if you notice a bubble or bulge on the sidewall, it’s a sign that something is wrong. You should not continue driving with a tire bubble because it is unsafe. Tire bubbles are commonly formed in areas of the tire where the rubber has worn very thin. Driving with a bulge can increase your likelihood of a tire blowout. It would help if you replaced the damaged tire as soon as possible because more moisture and air will seep in, causing the bubble to grow larger. Prevention Tips There are several ways to prevent tire bubbles from forming. Prevention is always the first step to avoid costing you time and money. Avoid Potholes, Bumps, and Curbs – Potholes are the most common culprit behind tire bubbles. You should try ... read more