Posted on 4/29/2023

Everyone knows what the brake system does, but what does it consist of? We will answer exactly that and briefly explain why all the parts do. If you want to find out more, continue reading! Brake Pedal We will start with the brake pedal. It is a pedal that, when pressed, transfers the signal to the brakes, resulting in deceleration. Parking Brake While it may sound strange, the parking brake is also a part of the braking system. Even if you use it only when parked, it serves a very important job. It completely blocks the wheel, causing the car to stay in one place. Brake Lines The brake lines are full of fluid, usually oil, and their job is to act like a wire. Keep an eye on the lines because they can leak, causing trouble. This fluid can be refilled or topped off by locating the brake fluid tank under the hood. Calipers The calipers are connected to the brake line and brake pads. It houses pistons that, when a ... read more