Posted on 6/28/2022

The weather in Lincoln, NE goes through significant changes throughout the year. It can rain, snow, or shine (and everything in between). That is why it is so important for Lincoln drivers to be cautious of their windshield wiper’s condition. Your car needs to be fit to handle any type of condition. Having a good, effective set of windshield wiper blades on your vehicle can make a significant difference in visibility and your safety. Unfortunately, most people neglect replacing their wipers until it is too late. How Do You Know When to Change Your Wipers? First, can you remember the last time you replaced them? More than likely, if you have to think hard about it, it’s been too long of a time. Experts recommend replacing them every 6 months to a year. Even if it doesn’t rain year-round where you are, wipers can dry out dramatically during the summer, which is usually the ideal time to change them. Another way to tell when you need to change them is by l ... read more